Learning is the highest form of evolution - so come along and discover life enhancing workshops running throughout the festival.
Engage your mind with a selection of new learnings and rebalance your energy through movement, creativity, and social connection.
Nestled within the rolling mountain ranges of secluded Northland, we have found paradise on earth. Papatuanuku has blessed us with a freshwater river winding around the festival, the perfect spot to cool after dancing the night away.
The expanse of green and blue in one of the most beautiful locations in New Zealand allows you to ground yourself, to walk barefoot on the earth and appreciate the seclusion from society.
We take pride in that downtime so you will find chill spaces dotted throughout the festival landscape.
Find a secluded spot to unwind, get deep in convo with your tribe or expand your festival family even further with new connections. From the marketplace grove, riverbanks, pixie dust forest, to the cosy cosmic cove – you will find always find somewhere nearby to take a break.