Amenities + wellbeing
There are a range of amenities available onsite to make your stay more comfortable, enjoyable and as easy as possible.
Free drinking water is provided from several hydration stations throughout the festival. We highly recommend bringing your own personal stash of water to keep at your campsite to save you doing the water refill mission when you least feel like it! At Dimension we don’t support single use plastic - please don't forget to pack a refillable drink bottle and ditch the multi pack water bottles.
We have hot showers on site for use by all festival ticket holders! If you need to freshen up, please be mindful of your water usage to make sure all your new festival friends get the chance to use them as well. If you don’t think you’re in the mood for a hot shower, try out a quick dip in the river for an unlimited, natural way to cleanse the night away and welcome a new day. We will also have toilets strategically located throughout the festival.
We will have a selection of vendors open during the festival with an array of delicious food and beverages. It’s always a good idea to bring some food with you, even if it's just for a midnight snack, or a dancefloor refuel. You’re welcome to bring non-alcoholic beverages along too.
No glass is permitted on site. Please be conscious of your plastic waste, try bringing your snacks in reusable containers.
Dimension will have a fully licensed bar on site, serving a selection of craft beers, pre-mixed drinks and non alcoholic thirst quenchers.
We will have a 24-hour medical service available on site. However, if you have specific medication that is required - please bring it with you. If your medication requires a prescription, please ensure your medication is correctly labelled by a healthcare professional before attending the festival.
We pride ourselves on having experienced and festival friendly 24/7 security, as well as festival rangers roaming - no matter what the situation, we will always have someone available to help.
Top Up
Visit the WAYVER kiosk on arrival and load credit onto your wristband using either cash or EFTPOS. You can top up as many times as you like throughout the event.Purchases
Place your order from our bars and marketplace, and simply scan the “sweet spot” on the wristband to pay for your item(s). Easy as that! We can even let you know your balance so you can top up again if needed.Refunds
At the end of the event, pop into the WAYVER kiosk to get a refund of the balance on your wristband. If you forget to at the event, you have 4 weeks post-event to claim your refund via www.wayver.co.nz -
We will have limited WIFI passes available for purchase from The Dimension Shop - so you can snapchat, contact your mum, and let your friends know how out of this world Dimension is. Mobile reception is very limited.
Be festival safe, be festival smart and be festival happy.
Feeling a bit lost or just need a quiet, safe space to re-centre? Come and join our friendly team at the Guest Centre. We have smiling faces, warm hearts and a cosy spot to chill if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Guest Care is also the home of our information hub - not sure when your favourite DJ is playing or need help finding the medics - come see us, we’re here to help.
Lost that set of keys that you probably shouldn’t have had in your pocket? No stress - just check in at the Guest Centre to see if they’ve made their way to our centralised lost and found.
Dimension is a safe space for all. That means no, means NO! If it’s not an enthusiastic yes, it’s a no. Consent is clear, coherent, willing and ongoing and changing your mind is okay. Please respect each other's boundaries and ask if you’re unsure.
At Dimension we have a zero tolerance policy for harrasment or discrimination. We are a collaborative community that provides an environment for safe spiritual exploration. Our festival experience is build on the core values of safety, respect and unity - if someone is making you feel uncomfortable, please reach out to any of our crew and we will help.
Rave, rest, recover, repeat. Post festival wellness is a key element to ensuring your experience is as pure as possible. We welcome you to stay an additional night to decompress and rest before your journey home.
When packing your bag for the festival, consider your future self and what wellness treats will help you survive the following week - magnesium, 5-htp, vitamin C, electrolytes. Future you will thank you!
And when you finally disembark the spaceship and return to reality, make sure you rebalance your circadian rhythm by getting a good night sleep, nourish your body by eating healthy and keep day dreaming of Dimension - it’s good for the soul.