Festival Site

Experience the Magic of Dimension Festival’s Stunning Location

Nestled within the rolling mountain ranges of secluded Northland, Dimension Festival is a paradise on earth. Our festival grounds are blessed with a freshwater river winding around the site, creating the perfect spot to cool off after dancing the night away. Imagine taking a refreshing dip in crystal-clear waters, feeling rejuvenated and ready to dive back into the festival’s vibrant energy.

This idyllic location offers more than just a beautiful river. The surrounding lush greenery and expansive blue skies provide a serene backdrop for an unforgettable festival experience. You can walk barefoot on the earth, grounding yourself and appreciating the seclusion from society. The magical forest on-site, known as Pixie Dust Hollow, is rumored to be a place where fairy sightings occur, adding a touch of enchantment to your journey.

Whether you’re chilling by the riverbanks, exploring the marketplace, or participating in wellness workshops, you’ll always find a nearby spot to take a break and soak in the natural beauty. Dimension Festival’s unique setting allows you to connect with nature, find peace, and fully immerse yourself in the transformative power of music, art, and community